Over-Mountain Coffee Roasters
Roasting Specialty Coffee Since 2018
John and Lynne’s passion for coffee roasting began on the Dock of Cedar Key, a small island in the Gulf of Mexico.
The coffee they had previously been drinking for years was no longer bringing that enjoyable experience that they knew.
The quality of the bean and roast methods seemed to
have changed over night.
John and Lynne started their pursuit in locating that elusive coffee, the perfect coffee cherry. Their venture lead them in a new and unexpected direction. They became even more passionate (obsessed) about coffee. They wanted to know more and more about the origins, the people and the livelihood of the people of
the coffee growing regions around the planet.
It was eye opening.
John and Lynne bought their first bag of green un-roasted coffee beans and started to experiment with different roasting methods. “Roasting coffee is an art, It is a craft and every roaster of coffee has their own style of expression”.
John and Lynne started to share their fresh roasted coffee with neighbors and friends. Within a short time they received positive, encouraging feedback and that is when they took a leap of faith and made the decision to purchase a commercial coffee roaster.
They went to the local restaurants, coffee shops and the Market. They were well received by the local community and the surrounding towns. The word spread. The demand for their coffee grew and they started to receive larger orders and individuals started to seek them out.
This was the beginning of Dockside Coffee Roasters of Cedar Key. They continued to receive wonderful support and
encouragement from their community.
The pandemic of 2020 brought time of reflection on many.
With thoughtful consideration, John and Lynne decided to retire from their full time employment and moved back to NE Tennessee to be closer to family. They moved the coffee operation to Jonesborough, TN. and are now living their obsession
as coffee roasters full time.
The name change for their coffee business was bitter sweet.
They did not want to forget where it all started and the kindness of the local community. John and Lynne love NE Tennessee, the people and its rich history. The area that they settled in was known as the Over-Mountain Territory.
John and Lynne have a dream - to provide the highest quality coffee at an affordable and fair price for the consumer and the coffee farmers. The varieties of coffee from around the planet are near limitless. They want to continue to share with others
their love for “everything coffee”.
Gratitude from us to you - We want to acknowledge all the business folks and customers that have supported us during
this wild and crazy trip. THANK YOU!
With God’s Grace and Mercy,
John and Lynne D. Waring